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Learn everything quickly with the Anki

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Anki for you

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At School

Study in groups with words provided by teachers or friends. You can create word groups and share them with other members.

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At Work

When feeling tired, take a break and swipe left, swipe right; you'll significantly enhance your language skills.

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At Home

Reinforce your learning anytime, anywhere to enhance your vocabulary retention.

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Learning Apps

An innovative and straightforward learning app to keep you engaged on your learning journey.

Why is Anki?

why is anki

Selected vocabulary packs

Vocabulary packages have been carefully selected and standardized by Anki

Smart iteration method

With smart vocabulary repetition method. Anki will help you focus on the most difficult words for you

why is anki
why is anki

Fun way to learn

Just guess the word and swipe left, right, you can quickly master the vocabulary sets

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